Battlegrounds Mobile India, the upcoming game from PUBG Mobile developer Krafton, has posted a new teaser for the Sanhok map via a poster on the company’s official Facebook page. Krafton had recently announced the company’s plan to launch a new battle royale game in India; Battlegrounds Mobile India. The title will be an India-only game, and it is basically a redesigned PUBG Mobile for India. The game features a India-centric logo complete with tricolour hues.

The official launch date of Battlegrounds Mobile India has not yet been revealed by the company but it is expected to launch soon, according to the developers of the game.

The game is expected to be quite similar to the original PUBG Mobile albeit a few India specific changes. There have been rumours about the blood being green, instead of red. But we will have to wait a little longer to know the exact changes in the Indian version of the game. Krafton has also announced its plan to build an esports ecosystem while updating in-game content regularly.


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